Yes, you will once again read the oft-mentioned quote since a notice of death sample form inherently deals with taxes. Ready? Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world, nothing is said to be certain, except death and taxes.”
Losing a loved one is indeed a very trying and emotional time. Nobody really wants to think of government responsibilities during the rites which follow a loss nor would anyone want to. It is, however, something that must be done by the heirs. This will allow the ownership of properties that a decedent worked so hard for while alive, to be passed onto the heirs.
Your name
RDO Office
RDO Office Address
RE: NOTICE OF DEATH OF (Name of decedent)
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter was written to inform your good office that (Name of decedent), a Filipino of legal age, single/married to (name of spouse), passed away last (date of death). His/her registered address at the time of death was (address). The cause of death was (indicate cause).
I am his/her (indicate relation to decedent).
This notice of death is submitted for whatever legal purpose it may serve.
Thank you and good day.
(Your name)
Please note that a death certificate is different from a notice of death. The former acts as proof of the fact of death and had to be submitted along with the latter.
The heirs are entitled to receive real estate held in the decedent’s name. However, this is only possible upon the filing and payment of the estate tax return. Debts accumulated while the dead were alive may be settled using property in his or her name. According to buyers’ checks, the property must be registered in the name of the actual seller, not the decedent. Cases of sellers attempting to sell real estate that still needs to be registered in their name are common in the real estate sector.
These are debts that the decedent’s estate is unable to settle. The assets of the heirs may not be the subject of collection actions by creditors. If there is anything left over after debts are paid, they can only do it against the decedent’s estate. Article 1059 of the Civil Code specifies the order in which debts are to be paid. This makes it possible to observe credit preference.
The process is different from how to transfer a land title from a deceased parent. Getting their Social Security Statement or records may be more restrictive or cumbersome. The law requires that an SSS member’s records must be kept confidential. Only the members themselves may have access to them. This general rule will, of course, have exceptions.
It can be found in Section 24 of the SS Law or in Republic Act 11199. This covers situations where someone other than the member may need to get a copy of the former’s Social Security statement or records. The first situation is when an SSS member has provided written consent. The next step is in situations involving subpoena duces tecum or by judicial order. The final step is when the SSS President approves the disclosure personally.