ACT Legislation Register

Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Act 2009

Number A2009-50 Status In Force

Current version

Republication for amendments by A2023-55

Administering Minister and Directorate

Related instruments

Name Effective Year and No Classification Status
Legislation (Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment) Delegation 2010 (No 1) (Repealed) 1 July 2010 - 1 May 2017 NI2010-327 ni Repealed
Legislation (Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment) Delegation 2017 (Repealed) 2 May 2017 - 13 April 2023 NI2017-204 ni Repealed
Legislation (Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment)) Delegation 2023 14 April 2023 NI2023-192 ni None

Point-in-time versions

Enter a date to find a version from 1 July 2010 onwards :

Republication for amendments by A2023-55

Republication for amendments by A2023-55

Republication for amendments by A2021-12

Republication for amendments by A2019-48

Republication for amendments by A2019-42

Republication for amendments by A2016-44

Republication for amendments by A2017-21

Republication for amendments by A2017-4

Republication for amendments by A2016-44

Republication for amendments by A2016-24

Republication for amendments by A2014-44

Republication for amendments by A2011-22

Republication for new Act

Bill and Explanatory statement

The bill and explanatory statement for this Act are accessed from Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Bill 2009.

Notification statement

The Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Act 2009 has been passed by the Legislative Assembly and is notified under the Legislation Act 2001.

Notified: 26 November 2009 (Parliamentary Counsel)

Act as notified

Date notified Effective Files/Formats Notes
26 November 2009 1 July 2010 View online icon HTML Download icon PDF Download icon Word


Provision Commencement date Commencement method
s 1, s 2 26 November 2009 LA s 75 (1)
remainder 1 July 2010 s 2


For section-by-section amendment annotations, see the amendment history in the endnotes in the current version of this law.

Year and number Amending law Amending provision Commencement date
A2019-48 Building and Construction Legislation Amendment Act 2019 pt 4 10 December 2019
A2019-42 Statute Law Amendment Act 2019 sch 3 pt 3.4 14 November 2019
A2017-21 Road Transport Reform (Light Rail) Legislation Amendment Act 2017 sch 1 pt 1.1 15 August 2017
A2017-4 Statute Law Amendment Act 2017 sch 3 pt 3.5 9 March 2017
A2016-44 Building and Construction Legislation Amendment Act 2016 s 47 19 August 2017
A2016-44 Building and Construction Legislation Amendment Act 2016 s 48 20 August 2016
A2016-24 Planning, Building and Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2016 (No 2) pt 3 12 May 2016
A2014-44 Statute Law Amendment Act 2014 (No 2) sch 3 pt 3.1 19 November 2014
A2011-22 Administrative (One ACT Public Service Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2011 sch 1 pt 1.18 1 July 2011
A2021-12 Statute Law Amendment Act 2021 sch 3 pt 3.3 23 June 2021
A2023-55 Building and Construction Legislation Amendment Act 2023 pt 4 (other than s 23) 11 March 2024
A2023-55 Building and Construction Legislation Amendment Act 2023 s 23 12 December 2023

Copyright 2001 ACT Government. All rights reserved.
Approved website under the Legislation Act 2001 (ACT).
Last updated at 5 September 2024 00:15:04 AEST