The undergraduate Teacher Education (TED) program is designed around the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Model Core Teaching Standards, a set of well-defined standards and aligned with the Wisconsin Teacher Standards which, when attained by students, lead to a strong preparation for teaching at the elementary or secondary level. These competencies build upon students' University Studies coursework. Students are involved in a wide range of learning activities combining theoretical concerns with practice accomplished through a variety of field experiences. Students are introduced to the classroom early in their professional training and continue to accept more responsibility throughout their program, culminating with the student teaching experience. The program attempts to model the kind of learning environments we expect our graduates will create in the elementary and secondary schools.
UW-Superior education programs are approved by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to fulfill licensure requirements for the state of Wisconsin. If you seek licensure in a state other than Wisconsin, please see the UW-Superior Institutional Certification Office web page for further information and assistance.
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction serves as the accrediting agency for all approved education licensure programs offered at UW-Superior. The teacher education programs at UW-Superior are reviewed annually using the Continuous Review Process adopted by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Under PI.34.
UW-Superior education programs are approved by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to fulfill licensure requirements for the state of Wisconsin. If you seek licensure in a state other than Wisconsin, please see the UW-Superior Institutional Certification Office web page for further information and assistance.
For additional certifications, a student must show evidence of completion of:
Refer to university policy regarding catalog requirement term. No matter which catalog a student uses for graduation, the student may be required to meet new requirements in Teacher Education, especially if new certification/licensure/program admission/student teaching policies have been put in place. This is specifically relevant for this catalog.
Students must always meet current Department of Public Instruction (DPI) certification/licensure requirements in the state of Wisconsin. DPI certification standards represent minimal requirements. Teacher Education programs have the right to exceed minimal requirements. Students who do not meet the requirements for admission to the Teacher Education programs within five years of the date of admission to the university must meet the requirements of the catalog current at the time of application to the programs. Admission to the programs remains valid for seven years. Students who fail to register for any classes for two consecutive semesters must reactivate their program status through the Teacher Education program.
All education majors must complete one Academic Service-Learning (AS-L) project and the designated Senior Year Experience (SYE). These High-Impact Practices are included in required courses taken by all education majors. AS-L is embedded in T ED 270 Multicultural Education , and the SYE is completed during student teaching.
Options are available for students seeking licensure in secondary education in Wisconsin. Each of these major currently leads to Early Adolescence-Adolescence licensure (Ages 10-21; grades 5-12), or 4-12 (grades 4-12) in their respective content area. Students are also required to complete a minor and should consult with their advisor to select a minor to complement their teaching major. Content area course requirements for each of the secondary education programs are available within the content area's section of the course catalog. Students must also complete the coursework of the Instruction Minor as required for the licensure sought: The Instruction Minor can be the student's only Minor if the teaching Major leads to 4-12 (not EA-A) Wisconsin licensure. Please consult your advisor for any content changes being proposed to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.
*Notice: Due to pending licensure program approvals by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI), secondary education program requirements are subject to change for students entering in the 2022-2024 academic year. Students affected by any approved changes which occur in the 2022-2024 catalog will be formally notified by the UW-Superior Educator Preparation Program.
UW-Superior education programs are approved by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to fulfill licensure requirements for the state of Wisconsin. If you seek licensure in a state other than Wisconsin, please see the UW-Superior Institutional Certification Office web page for further information and assistance.
Field experiences and pre-student clinical experiences prior to student teaching or internship prepare students for successful completion of student teaching or internship.
Field experiences in Birth-Grade 12 cooperating schools and sites allow students to observe teachers in action. "Field observation required" is noted in the course description for courses that have embedded field experiences.
Pre-student Teaching Clinical Experiences or PSTCEs are meant to provide teacher education students with opportunities to begin understanding the prek-12 classroom atmosphere and learning environment and how that affect planning, teaching, and assessment. PSTCE include a period of observation of the student as teacher and the development and teaching of lesson/s, with an evaluation and feedback by the classroom teacher. Feedback received from cooperating teachers will highlight areas of strength and potential growth; specific examples of strong elements or those needing improvement will be particularly helpful at this early point in teacher development. "Pre-Student Teaching Clinical experience required" is noted in course descriptions for courses that have embedded PSTCEs. Each course has a designed grade band that must be addressed; this grade band is noted in the course syllabus.
All field experience and pre-student teaching clinical experiences placements are made through the UW-Superior Department of Education's Field Experience Office. Placement request forms are made available at the start of each semester in courses which have embedded experiences. Because field and clinical placements involve many legal, diplomatic, and certification/licensure considerations, students may not solicit a placement on their own but may be able to suggest to the Field Experience Office a school/district near them. Students are cautioned against having district administrators call on their behalf.
International placement for field experiences and pre-student teaching clinical experiences are not available. Exceptions may be requested in cases of military assignments with on-base American schools and in cases where the student is already employed as a teacher by a recognized international American school; these requests are considered on a case-by-case basis and should be made well in advance of the placement semester.
Several Major and Minor options are currently available for students seeking licensure in K-12 education in Wisconsin. These majors and minors lead to either Early Childhood-Adolescence (EC-A) licensure (Ages 4-18; grades PK-12) or K-12 in their respective content area, as currently approved by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Program requirements for each of the K-12 education programs are available within the content area's section of the course catalog (see Art Education, Music Education, Physical Education, including Adaptative Physical Education and Coaching and Health Education). Please consult your advisor or the content area department for the most recent program requirements.
*Notice: Due to pending licensure program approvals by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI), EC-MC/K-12 program requirements are subject to change for students entering in the 2022-2024 academic year. Students affected by any approved changes which occur in the 2022-2024 catalog will be formally notified by the UW-Superior Educator Preparation Program.
UW-Superior education programs are approved by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to fulfill licensure requirements for the state of Wisconsin. If you seek licensure in a state other than Wisconsin, please see the UW-Superior Institutional Certification Office web page for further information and assistance.
Secondary or K-12 teacher curriculum graduates may receive the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Music Education or Bachelor of Science degree. (See requirements in major.)
Secondary or K-12 teacher certification students are required to meet the University Studies requirements of the university. The Teacher Education faculty is committed to building upon the preparation brought by the liberally educated student at this institution. Teachers at the secondary and K-12 levels must exemplify the attributes of a liberally educated person.
All secondary and K-12 teacher certification candidates with a previous bachelor's degree must meet licensure requirements as outlined in PI-34 Wisconsin Teacher Education Program Approval and Licenses Law.
In all student teaching residency experiences, the student takes charge of classes in off-campus affiliated schools under direction of a cooperating teacher. The student prepares units of instruction and lesson plans; meets with university supervisors, cooperating teachers, and the student teaching instructor of record in both group and individual situations; participates in co-curricular activities; works with consultants in special areas; and cooperates with school and community patrons. Clinical experiences prior to student teaching or internship prepare students for successful completion of student teaching or internship.
Students are required to student teach for full days for a full semester, according to the host district or school's calendar. Students may have more than one placement depending upon pre-student teaching clinical experiences and desired licensure/s.
Students seeking certification in more than two subject areas or certification levels may be required to take additional student teaching/internship beyond the semester depending upon their completed pre-student teaching clinical experiences.
All coursework in a student's major, minor, University Studies, and education courses is expected to be completed prior to student teaching residency. Students should arrange their schedules to permit devoting full time to the student teaching residency responsibilities. Because student teaching placement involves many legal and diplomatic considerations, students may not solicit a student teaching or internship placement on their own. Students are cautioned against having district administrators call on their behalf.
All student teaching residency must take place within a 400-mile radius of UW-Superior. Exceptions may be requested in cases of military assignments with on-base American schools and in cases where the student teacher candidate is already employed as a teacher by a recognized international American school; these requests are considered on a case-by-case basis and should be made well in advance of the student teaching semester.
A student teaching fee is added each semester to the tuition bill based upon the number of observations and evaluations and potential UW-Superior supervisor travel required for the license(s) sought. This is subject to change each semester and is announced on the student teaching residency application.
The following are Teacher Education Program requirements for Elementary Education majors:
The following are Teacher Education Program requirements for secondary education majors:
The following are Teacher Education Program requirements for K-12 education majors:
If you have any questions about applying for student teaching, contact your advisor.
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